Dive sites around the island

The dive sites in Bali are widely scattered. Therefore is it neccessary to organize diving as daytrips (except Nusa Dua).

Good to know

We pick you up in the morning at your hotel, you will be back there at late afternoon. Some more details:

During all daytrips the following things are included: All transportations, two dives (tanks and weighting system), rental equipment

A minimum of two divers are required, usually we put a maximum of two buddy teams in one group. Divers with less experience should always feel save and enjoy their dives. Experienced divers will enjoy them anyway.

If you like to save some money, you should choose one of our dive packages instead of several single daytrips. But the booking must be done in advance

Groups get a special price of cause

If you use your own equipment you will get a discount of 10%

Snorkelers pay 37,00 Euro incl. all transportations and snorkel equipment

Our daytrip offers

Dive site Short description Euro
Nusa DuaBoat dive in Bali's south80,00
SanurBoat dive in Bali's south80,00
Blue LagoonBoat dive from Padang Bai90,00
AmedBoat dive; Drop-Off and Coral Garden98,00
Batu KelebitA sloping reef in a shape of three fingers98,00
Batu RingitBeach dive at a beautiful sloping reef98,00
KubuBeach dive at a beautiful sloping reef98,00
Secret RockBeach dive98,00
Seraya TulambenBeach dive for makro freaks98,00
TulambenBeach dives at the wreck, wall and coral garden98,00
Gili SelangBoat dive for experienced divers only105,00
Secret BayBeach dive for makro freaks105,00
Gili Biaha + Gili MimpangBoat dive from Padang Bai with reef sharks110,00
Gili Mimpang + Gili TepekongBoat dive from Padang Bai with reef sharks110,00
Nusa PenidaBoat dive from Padang Bai or Sanur. Drift diving with sunfishes?110,00
MantapointBoat dive from Padang Bai or Sanur135,00
* Pulau Menjangan: The entrance fee for the national park of 200,000 Rupiah per day per person is charged extra

Nusa Penida: A ticket is now required for diving trips to Nusa Penida. It costs 100,000 rupiah and is not included in the excursion price.

Bali day trips